The caravan was terribly cold so the first thing on once we had pitched was the electric heating on full. The pitch we were on was 127, a south facing plot, which we got the full benefit of the sun during the limited hours of daylight.
Then as we were setting up a minor problem! One of the arms of the aqua roll handles had disappeared! It had probably fallen through one of the ventilation slots in the front locker! Fortunately our neighbour let us borrow his so I was able to fill both Aqua rolls ! Dinner went in the oven and was soon served in a now toasty caravan. TV reception was very poor, so tomorrow's job will be to set up the satellite system so we could watch the news from our region.
Slept well, I always do in the caravan.
Wednesday dawned bright and sunny, so after breakfast and having read the papers, Lizzie decided to I take her pills! She realized she had forgotten some rather important ones, so despite the fact that it was now absolutely hammering down I jumped in the Freelander and set of on a rather hazardous journey home. As I was passing Chipping Sodbury caravans I popped into buy a new Aqua roll handle. Pills collected from home I returned to the site, having to wear sunglasses for the return journey! English weather at its best!
Then it was into Cirencester where we spent time Christmas shopping and updated our emails at Costa coffee! as the Internet on the site was not working properly.
On Thursday we went to Malmsbury, principally to visit the Abbey and it's Christmas shop. We then wandered round Malmsbury, which used to be a lovely town, but is now going down hill rather fast, caused mainly because there are so many empty shops, we drove on to Swindon outlet centre, where yet more Christmas presents were purchased. Back the to site where Venison was prepared for Dinner.
Friday morning was very frosty, so I took the opportunity to prepare breakfast specials! I watched a chap a few caravans away from us shaking his blue gas bottles as he thought they were empty! They were not it was just too cold for the gas to vaporise.
We then set off for Gloucester Quays where there was a Victorian market. We enjoyed wandering that for a few hours, watching all the people in Victorian dress and looking at an amazing array of stalls, non of which inspired us to buy anything!
There was a rather good 'folk trio' playing though!
We got back to site and watched the new arrivals pitching up! Which is always an interesting experience! When you pitch up there is a peg on the site, that your rear off side corner of the caravan should be lined up against. Many caravanners can not reverse, so they just get out and move the peg! This means many caravans are not correctly positioned as far as fire breaks are concerned and some wardens get a bit miffed! Why the do not put the pegs in the ground permanently I will never understand!
On the Saturday we drove up to Bourton on the Water for yet mor Christmas retail therapy! Then on to Stow on the wold, wher parking was horrendous! The weather was crisp and clear with bright sunshine so it was lovely drive through the Cotswolds.
There was no frost on Saturday night so on Sunday we cleared up in a leisurely way, even getting a dry awning down.
This is a good site that we enjoyed, although due to its size, 200 plus pitches means it would be very busy in the summer.
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